Stand Out From Your Competition

AAJ Colored Golf Balls AdYou didn’t get to be where you are by being a wallflower.

Not you. You’re a Maverick. With a capital M.

You are, quite simply, one of the best in the country at what you do.

Your reputation precedes you everywhere you go…

Except on the internet!

Why is that exactly?

Could be one of a dozen different reasons. Maybe you hired the wrong web develop. Maybe you relied on that reputation a little too long. Or perhaps you were one of the naysayers who said (gasp) “my clients aren’t on the internet.

Never mind. The reason WHY doesn’t really matter. What matters is your conviction to make a change. To be where your customers are.

Introducing DotCO Law Marketing – We Can Help!

If you have have decided to make an impact on your practice via the internet, we can help.

If you are a dominant player in your niche and are looking to strengthen your hold on first place, we can help.

If you are branching out into a new niche or a new region of your state, we can help.

Let the cases find you! Over 5000 web sites to choose from

Interested in learning more? Find all the sites that are relevant to your location and practice area above, or give us a call at 832.470.9046. You can also e-mail us directly at info – at – or try our contact form on this site.

DotCO has built the largest consumer facing, Google compliant network of web sites in the history of the legal space. From July 2011 until today DotCO has launched nearly 5100 web sites that are earning page one results on Google, Yahoo and Bing in over 600 different cities across the US.

We offer an unparalleled advertising opportunity to target your prospective customers because our web sites are highly targeted by both location and by practice area. Looking to target burn injury victims in El Paso? We’ve got you covered. Looking for dog bite cases in Albany? We can help there too. We have sites in nearly 20 different practice areas, including the following specific injury related niches:

Personal Injury Niche Practice Areas

If you plan to attend the AAJ Winter Conference in Phoenix, be sure to stop by, say hello and enter your name to win up to $20,000 in DotCO web site advertising. We’ll be happy to show you how our proprietary systems can help you stand out from your competition!